This is basically a shout out to Simbul. Thanks for the comments. I feel anyone who plans to vacation repeatedly in one place should learn the language. It is really to your advantage! From bargaining to haggling to simply knowing what's going on around you, one can have a more enjoyable experience if you at least speak "spanglish".
A friend of mine sent me a CD from D.C. a couple of years ago that has been a big help. It's called World Talk Spanish. There is also a free learn spanish section at . Look on their menu to the left. Of course, a great way to learn the language is to make sure you're able to USE the language regularly. I suggest you make friends with someone or hang out at places that are frequented by spanish-speaking people. And by all means, get a Spanish-English dictionary that helps with the pronunciation of words.
Hope this helps you, and I hope you make it to other destinations on the island soon. Happy traveling!
Yes, and thanx. I bought the Idiots Guide to Spanish and pulled out my old spanish college book. As you say, back to the drawing board. Anywho, take care and keep us updatted on this great blog!!
This is a great suggestion, Mr. Washington. I keep my Spanish dictionary with me, even though I can speak the language. Everytime my partner and I go to DR, I come back able to say even more (and learn some new words and phrases I always throw in the next time through). Peace, J
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