Monday, March 03, 2008


If you will be in the area within the next week or so, it may be wise to inquire before going to the beach. dr1 reports:

The beaches of Boca Chica, between Caucedo and Andres have been affected by a small oil spill from a ship belonging to Seaboard Caribbean. According to the Diario Libre, 800 gallons of bunker C oil was spilled, allegedly from a hole in the ship's hull. The ship itself has been seized by Navy and Ministry of the Environment personnel. Minister Omar Ramirez met with the ship's captain, whose name was not revealed for "diplomatic reasons", and he reported that the captain had signed two statements of complaint, one to the ministry and the other to the Environmental Prosecutor's office. According to the statements, the accident that caused the spill occurred at around 9am yesterday when the ship was docking at Caucedo to drop off a few containers. As a result all beaches in the area have been closed. According to the paper, the ship is being held until the damage assessment and payment are determined by the courts.

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